From Birth To Two Years: Watch For These 7 Milestones
When it comes to your child’s development, the first two years are crucial. Here are some key milestones to watch for during your baby’s first year of life.
Children are different from adults in many ways, one the most striking difference is their ability to learn new skills quickly. In the first year of life alone, a baby's world changes dramatically- from finally being free for the first time to mastering the art of walking (hopefully with your help). This post reviews seven milestones in your child's development and what you need to know about them!
When it comes to your child’s development, the first two years are crucial. Here are some key milestones to watch for during your baby’s first year of life:
• By 3 months old, your baby should be able to hold their head up and start to follow objects with their eyes.
• By 6 months old, your baby should be able to sit up unassisted and start to babble.
• At 9 months old, your baby may be starting to crawl and pull themselves up to a standing position.
• Around 1 year old, your baby will likely be taking their first steps.
During your child’s second year, you can expect even more exciting milestones:
• At 18 months old, your toddler may be starting to say their first words.
• By 2 years old, most kids can walk well and have a vocabulary of around 50 words.
During middle childhood, kids continue to grow and develop at their own unique pace. Here are some things you can expect to see during this time:
Physical Development:
- continued growth in height and weight
- more coordination and fine motor skills
- better at running, jumping, and other physical activities
Cognitive Development:
- able to think more logically and understand cause and effect
- beginning to understand time concepts like sequence and order
- starting to see different points of view
- begin to think abstractly
There is no “right” or “normal” rate of development – each individual will develop at his or her own pace. However, there are some general milestones that most adolescents will reach during this stage of life.
It's so exciting to watch your baby grow and develop! From birth to two years, there are many milestones your child will reach. While every child is different and will reach these milestones at their own pace, it's important to be aware of them so you can best support your little one. Keep an eye out for these seven milestones in the first two years of your child's life, and enjoy watching them grow!
Curious if your child is developing properly? Give us a call on our hot line today.