Hey momma!
Have you ever had to deal with a toddler who was irritable and running a fever only for the doctor to tell you he had an ear infection and you were just baffled?
Do you know that about 5 out of 6 children would have had an ear infection before the age of 3? And that ear infections are the most common reason for child clinic visits?
So what causes an ear infection?
Ear infections usually occur in the middle ear and may be caused by bacteria or viruses. They can occur after something as common as an upper respiratory infection. The bacteria or virus tracks up to the middle ear through the eustachian tubes, which connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. There is one eustachian tube in each ear.
The bacteria or virus can also cause the eustachian tube to swell and this swelling can, in turn, block the tube, which causes fluids that are normally produced in the ear to build up in the middle ear instead of being able to get drained away.
Children get ear infections more often than adults because the eustachian tube in children is shorter and has less of a slope than in adults. This structural difference makes the tubes in children easier to become clogged and more difficult to drain. The trapped fluid can then become infected, causing a lot of pain. Also their immune system, which is the body’s infection-fighter, is still developing.
How do I know if my child has an ear infection?
A lot of the time, ear infections occur before the child can speak. Your child just cries and cries and you have no idea what to do because you don't even know what the problem is.
Here are some telltale signs that your child just might have an ear infection:
Tugging and pulling at their ear(s)
Difficulty in sleeping
Constant fussing and crying
Fluid draining from their ears
A fever especially in infants and younger children
Difficulty hearing or responding to sounds
Clumsiness and troubles with balance
If your child can already speak, they might simply tell you that their ear(s) hurt.
Signs that require immediate attention include high fever, severe pain, or bloody or pus-like discharge from the ears.
How is it treated?
Ear infections often clear up on their own in about 3 days. Your healthcare provider may recommend an analgesic to relieve pain. If the ear infection worsens or doesn't improve, an antibiotic may then be prescribed. In children younger than two, an antibiotic is usually needed for ear infections.
When to see a doctor?
An ear infection left untreated for a long time can lead to serious problems. It’s important to book an appointment with your doctor as soon as you notice any of the symptoms above.
How can I prevent ear infections?
Keep your child’s vaccinations up to date, especially pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations.
Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Practice good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of germs and help keep your child from catching a cold.
Breastfeed your child exclusively for the first 6 months of life.
Keep children away from sick people as much as possible to avoid the spread of germs.
Never clean out your child's ears with a cotton bud or other objects.
Remember: It's perfectly healthy to have wax in the ears. It helps to clean and moisturise the ears and prevents dust, and insects from getting to the eardrum and damaging it. The earwax would naturally work its way out of your child's ear in time where you can clean it with a damp cloth. If your child however gets a build-up of earwax that’s troubling, visit a hospital to have it removed.
Here at Neo Childcare, we link you up with top-notch health professionals who would provide your child with the very best care.
Well done mama, you’re doing great!