Deworming: Everything You Need to Know
Deworming is one of those confusing topics, especially when it comes to children. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there, so it's important to know the facts.
You may have heard about deworming, but what is it really?
What's Deworming?
Deworming is the process of removing parasitic worms from the intestines which include hookworms, roundworms and whipworms.
These adult worms live in human intestines where they produce thousands of eggs daily which get passed out in feces and may contaminate soil and water sources in areas with poor waste management.
Children can get infected from:
▪ Fruits, vegetables and food ingested that were not properly peeled, washed or cooked;
▪ Drinking contaminated water;
▪ Walking barefoot or
▪ Playing in dirt and then putting unclean hands or utensils in their mouths.
▪ Handling infected pets
These eggs then hatch in their body and multiply in numbers.
Usually, the symptoms of a worm infestation are mild and not readily noticed. Some children may however have alarming complaints:
-Loss of appetite, nausea and indigestion
-Abdominal pain
-Diarrhea or dysentery
-Coughing up worms
-Passing worms in stool
-Itching around the anus or vagina or urethra (causing disturbed sleep)
-Sometimes a large quantity of worms may obstruct the intestinal tract causing constipation, abdominal distension and vomiting.
When left untreated, worms can cause serious health problems in children such as anemia, malnutrition and stunted growth. They even result in poor memory, reduced learning capacity and poor school performance and in extreme cases, death.
This is why it's essential to make sure your child is properly dewormed. The good news is deworming is a quick and simple process that your child can undergo safely.
Who Needs to Be Dewormed?
Anyone can get worms, but those most at risk are young children. That's because their immune systems are still developing, and they're more likely to ingest the worm eggs during play.
When to start?
Deworming is recommended from age 12 months. All you need to do is give a pill or syrup that kills the worms. It only takes a few minutes.
How Often?
Deworming should be done on a regular basis. You should aim to deworm your child every four to six months, that is twice or three times a year.
Keep in mind, deworming isn't just for kids—adults can also benefit from regular deworming treatment.
Fun Fact!
Deworming medications are Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs so you don't even need a doctor's prescription. All you need to do is ask your pharmacist for deworming medication for your child.
How to Prepare Your Child for Deworming?
To help your child prepare for deworming, you can:
-Talk to your child about the process. Explain that they're going to get medicine that will help them kill tiny worms inside their tummy. You can even show them videos or picture books.
-Give your child plenty of water after taking the medicine.
-Avoid giving your child any other medication that same day unless it's prescribed by the doctor.
For the best deworming effect, give the treatment to your child on an empty stomach. You can give it 2 hours after dinner or early in the morning.
How to prevent worm infestations in your child?
As we have seen, worms spread easily but you can help prevent their spread:
-Keep your surroundings, your child's toys and playing area clean.
-Ensure hand washing before meals and after using the toilet.
-Keep their fingernails short and clean, and discourage them from nail-biting.
-Ensure adequate footwear at all times.
-Ensure fruits, vegetables and other food items are properly processed.
-Ensure drinking water is clean and from a safe source.
-Clean toilet seats and potties regularly and thoroughly.
-Deworm pets like cats and dogs regularly too.
Finally, routinely deworming your child is one of the best things you can do to help boost their health. By doing this, you will keep them healthy and free from parasites that can make them sick.
Have any other health concerns?
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